Hiring of Interns expected to soar this academic year

Hiring of Interns expected to soar this academic year

Education, Employment, Top News

Employers expect to boost their intern hiring by 22.6% for the 2021-22 academic year, according to results of a new survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey found that both small and large companies have increased their projected intern hiring, driving the gain.

“The jump in intern hiring is all the more significant as it comes following a drop in 2020-21, when employers trimmed intern hiring by 0.5%,” says Shawn VanDerziel, NACE executive director. (See Figure 1.)

“These findings for interns also align with projections for full-time hiring in our Job Outlook 2022 Spring Update survey, as employers indicated they expect to increase their full-time hiring by 31.6%.”

Other key findings from NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report include:

  • Overall, nearly half of employers (46.8%) plan to provide a hybrid internship experience (a blend of virtual and in-person), 25.8% will hold internships exclusively in-person, and just 2.2% are planning internships that are fully virtual.
  • In deciding between two equally qualified candidates for an internship position, employers favor making their decision based on the preferred major and whether the student has held a leadership position.
  • Overall, most interns get little or no relocation assistance from employers. Slightly more than half of responding employers offer this type of assistance to interns and less than a quarter offer it to co-ops.

About NACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey ReportNACE’s 2022 Internship & Co-op Survey Report provides projections for internship and co-op programs for the 2021-22 academic year, but the bulk of the information presented here represent data gathered from 2020-21 internship and co-op programs. Historical data are also provided to indicate trends. Data collection took place from November 10, 2021, to January 12, 2022. There were 183 NACE member respondents representing 22.4% of eligible member respondents.

The Internship & Co-op Survey was also distributed to nonmember companies from which an additional 26 responses were received.  An executive summary of the report is available on the NACE website.

(Source: NACE) / (Cover photo credit: Twitter)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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