Irate dad arrested and charged after slapping 12-year-old boy that bullied his step-daughter

A Texas dad was arrested and charged by police in Deer Park, Texas, for slapping a 12-year-old boy in his face. The over-protective dad, 37-year-old James Olander Peace, was said to be sticking up for his step-daughter after she was bullied, according to Peace’s wife.
ABC News reported the wife as saying that Peace was defending her daughter, after the young girl was bullied by the 12-year-old classmate and his friend while walking home from school.
“Saying that her body was ugly, said that she was a transvestite, started throwing ice cream at her and then they picked up the rocks,” explained Peace’s wife, who asked to remain anonymous.
The mother went on to say that after the alleged bullying occurred, her daughter called home requesting a ride home. The father went to pick up his step-daughter when he spotted the alleged bully walking down the road. Police Lt. Chris Brown said that’s when Peace got out of his car and confronted the young boy.
Brown says Peace started by shouting at the 12-year-old boy; then he hit him.
“He was slapped across the face with an open hand, had red marks and swelling to his cheek and upper jaw,” Brown said. ~ per WMC5 Action News
Court papers revealed that Peace told the boy not to tell anyone that Peace slapped him – or he’d beat him up. Because of what Peace said, the boy was afraid to tell his parents about being hit by the irate step-dad; but the kid did tell his teacher at school who contacted police, according to KHOU.
As the investigation into the incident ensued, Peace initially told police he never slapped the bully. But Peace fessed up after police were able to obtain a neighborhood surveillance video of Peace yelling at the boy and slapping him in the face.
Peace was charged with injury to a child under 15, which is a felony.
~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter