Is New Hampshire Nikki Haley’s last chance at winning the Republican presidential nomination away from Trump?
Now that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has suspended his run for the White House, it’s a two-horse race coming into the 2024 New Hampshire Republican primary election as the last two standing, Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, battle it out for the coveted Republican presidential nomination. Haley’s doing better in the polls in New Hampshire than she was in Iowa, with Trump unfortunately still maintaining a commanding lead. According to a recent poll out of CNN, Trump has a tight grip on 50% of the likely Republican voters in the Granite State, versus Haley’s numbers trailing behind at 39% of the votes.
With the primary currently underway, Nikki came on strong in early New Hampshire voting, even though DeSantis endorsed Trump instead of her when he dropped out of the race. Perhaps Trump’s lead isn’t as insurmountable as everyone first thought?
Not all Republicans are looking forward to the prospect of another four years of Donald Trump in the White House , and many of those Moderates, Independents, and younger voters are looking to Nikki to save them – and the world – from another four years of Trumpian chaos. Many believe that the current primaries in New Hampshire could be their last shot to win the nomination from Trump.
Because, if the 52-year-young Haley fails in New Hampshire, pundits say she could very well bail out of the race instead of facing the prospect of losing another primary in her home state of South Carolina.
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, who has endorsed former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for president, on Sunday declined to say whether she intends to continue her campaign if she doesn’t win the primary in her home state.
In an interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” moderator Kristen Welker asked Sununu, “If Haley can’t win in her home state, can she continue in this race? What’s her path that she can’t win South Carolina?”
Sununu replied, “That’s a month away.” ~ NBC News
And although Trump still holds that commanding lead in the polls, Haley herself told CNN this morning that she’ll be staying in the race beyond the New Hampshire primary.
Ace News Today endorses Nikki Haley for the Republican presidential nomination over Donald Trump,
and we wish her only the very best in the upcoming primaries
For more on what’s happening in New Hampshire, the primary election that many believe could be Nikki’s last shot at beating Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, see the video accompany this article. Polls will remain open in the Granite State tonight until 7 p.m.
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(Cover photo, Haley v. Trump in New Hampshire, Image credit: YouTube)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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