Is ‘Twilight’ actor Robert Pattinson really the new Batman?

Is ‘Twilight’ actor Robert Pattinson really the new Batman?

Celebrities, Entertainment, Film, Money, Superheroes, Top News
Is ‘Twilight’ actor Robert Pattinson really the new Batman?
Robert Pattinson as The Batman / Image credits: Facebook

It seemed to most of us that the DC Universe film’s division was imploding following the failures of big budget films “Batman v Superman” and “Justice League.”  After those box office and critical acclaim failures and the simultaneous announcements that all the Justice League actors except for Wonder Woman’s Gal Gadot and Aquaman’s Jason Momoa wouldn’t be reprising their roles, it seemed the future of DC films was in peril.

The most recent DC film buzz however is that a new actor has been chosen to play Batman on the big screen.  The Hollywood rumor mill is claiming that Robert Pattinson, best known as the vampire heartthrob from the “Twilight” films, will be taking over the role as Bats.  Prior to his Edward Cullen role in the “Twilight” film series, you might remember 19-year-old Pattinson as Cedric Diggory in J.K. Rowlings’ “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” fire.

Is ‘Twilight’ actor Robert Pattinson really the new Batman?
Robert Pattinson in “Twilight” and “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” / Image credits: Facebook

Matt Reeves will be directing “The Batman” and has been on record as saying that he’d be looking for a younger character to don the cape and cowl.  New reports also say that the new film will include a rogues gallery of villains, will not be a reboot and will concentrate on Bruce Wayne’s detective skills. At 33-years-old, Pattinson will be the youngest actor to portray the World’s Greatest Detective on celluloid.

Deadline is being a bit more cautious about claiming that Pattinson has a lock on “The Batman” role and is saying that actor Nicholas Hoult of “X-Men” fame may still be in the running.

Is ‘Twilight’ actor Robert Pattinson really the new Batman?
Nicholas Hoult / Image credit: Facebook

Also see:  George Clooney to Ben Affleck on playing Batman: ‘Don’t do it’

Regardless of which actor ultimately claims the right to portray The Dark Knight, production for the film is scheduled to being in London next year with a film release scheduled for 2021.

~ Written by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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