Italian police raid hotel rooms of Equalizer 3 film, seize 120 grams of cocaine

Italian police raid hotel rooms of ‘Equalizer 3’ film, seize 120 grams of cocaine

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Ace News Today - Italian police raid hotel rooms of Equalizer 3 film, seize 120 grams of cocaine
(Italian actress Gaia Scodellaro with Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning on the set of the film “Equalizer 3,” Image credit: Facebook – Photo by Stefano Cristiiano Montesi)

The highly anticipated action flick Equalizer 3 starring Denzel Washington is now filming in Italy.  Last night, the news dropped that Italian Police “raided the hotels being used by the crew of The Equalizer 3 after more than 100 grams of cocaine were found on the set.”

According to The New York Daily News, the raid went down Tuesday in the seaside town of Maiori.  The Italian authorities were alerted to the presence of cocaine on the set when, also on Tuesday, the head caterer for the film suffered a fatal heart attack. During the initial investigation into the caterer’s death, several small bags of the drug were discovered in the dead man’s pocket, prompting the raid and the search for more illegal drugs.

Three other caterers on the film reportedly had drugs on them. One had their driver’s license confiscated and the other two were placed under house arrest in the hotel on drug dealing charges.

The third installment of The Equalizer franchise is currently filming on the Italian coast under the direction of Antoine Fuqua, who also directed the first two Equalizer films.  Sources told Fox News Digital that the drug bust was “regarding a catering vendor, not the movie or crew.”  The two caterers that were taken into custody are being charged with “possession of drugs for the purpose of dealing” and are currently under house arrest.

Equalizer 3 is scheduled for release in September 2023, according to Variety.  In addition to starring Denzel Washington, the film also stars Italian actress Gaia Scodellaro and child star Dakota Fanning, now all grown up.

Denzel and Dakota, Image credit: IMDb

Washington and Fanning starred together 20 years ago in the very dark film “Man on Fire.”

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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