Joy Villa files sexual assault complaint against former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski

Singer, Trump supporter and potential congressional candidate Joy Villa filed a sexual assault complaint this week against former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. In the complaint, Villa alleges that Lewandowski slapped her behind twice while the two were appearing at a November 28 party at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. The alleged slaps to her behind took place while the two were posing together for a picture at an invite-only event to celebrate Trump’s first year in office on the day after Thanksgiving, according to MSN.
Villa said that she’ll be meeting with detectives in D.C. next week to review her sexual assault complaint against the former Trump aide. In an interview with the media, Villa said that she was initially reluctant to come forward with her allegations as she was concerned about any potential backlash. She said she felt more comfortable about pressing charges after a friend who witnessed the assault at the Washington event already discussed the incident in public. Other of Villa’s friends also encouraged her to come forward with her complaint.
Villa told CNN that the behind slapping occurred at that event around 8:30 p.m. while the two were posing together at a photo op. The singer said that Lewandowski had been drinking and that he appeared to be in a bad mood. “He grabbed me very boisterously, unexpectedly,” Villa said, adding that she thought he was “acting like a clown” and that after the photo was taken, he “smacked my ass really hard, almost violent in nature,” according to MYNBC-5.
“I didn’t know him at all,” Villa said about Lewandowski. “I only knew him by reputation. He broke my trust.” She said she saw him at a gathering at the Trump International Hotel on the day after Thanksgiving, and said Lewandowski struck her “extremely hard” even after she told him to stop. She said she felt it was “disgusting and shocking and demeaning.” ~ per MSN
Villa was told by police that the alleged assault against her would be initially categorized as a misdemeanor. The singer is thinking about running for a congressional seat in Florida. President Donald Trump is a fan of the singer and has thrown his support behind her bid.
Written by: Ace News Today Staff