Katy Perry gets stuck on a planetary platform high above her concert crowd

Popstar goddess Katy Perry found herself stuck high above her concert crowd on a stage prop of the planet Saturn in Nashville on October 18 when due to a mechanical malfunction, the prop got stuck and didn’t lower her back to the stage as planned. As part of her current “Witness” album tour, Perry kept her cool and simply explained to concert-goers that she was really stuck. E-News shared some of her comments to the earthlings below:
“I’m really stuck. This is the first time that I’ve been stuck in space. I know I’m kind of a space cadet, but actually this thing is being stuck right now. I’m going to be stuck here forever. What should I do? Should I tell some jokes? Should I tell some stories? Should I just sing another song?”
Fox News also shared the future “American Idol” judge as quipping “This is the first time I’ve been stuck in space,” the 32-year-old singer joked. “You’d better pick your phone up because this is a Youtube-able moment!” After a while, Perry received from her crew via her earpiece that the platform prop was set to descend back down – but she’d have to be lowered straight down right on top of some her fans perched below.
“You know what, I guess I’m just going to have to get down and walk amongst my people. I love this so much,” she said, tentatively standing up. “Should I just like… jump?” The crowd screamed their approval and Perry eventually leaped down from her cosmic platform to an adoring crowd. “Well, I guess I’m just going to have to get down and walk amongst my people,” she said before jumping into the crowd.
As her platform descended, Perry told the crowd that the view from high above the crowd was “beautiful,” adding “You guys made it look so magnificent,” she said. “Like honestly, y’all are the real stars tonight.” Perry’s upcoming “Witness” tour dates include shows in Chicago, Kansas City, Toronto and Los Angeles.
Written by: Ace News Today Staff