Kinkiness in America: New sex study ranks each state as to its level of kinkiness

Kinkiness in America: New sex study ranks each state as to its level of kinkiness

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A new research study has been released unveiling the level of sexual kinkiness associated with each U.S. State.  Those states deemed the least kinky are being referred to by the study as the “most vanilla state”, with South Dakota being honored as America’s least kinky state, and the most ‘vanilla’ state. 

The sexual wellness website,, analyzed the number of Google searches for various popular sex toys and accessories – including ‘fleshlight’ and ‘anal beads’ – across each state in the last year, to create a ranking. Searches were scaled against local populations to get an interest rate per 100k residents.

South Dakota is named the most vanilla state in America with only 322 average monthly searches per 100k inhabitants. Despite South Dakotans being branded as vanilla, their favorite sex toy is still the ‘fleshlight’, just like 43 other states. South Dakotans are searching ‘fleshlight’ 829 times a month on average – so it seems even the least adventurous in bed enjoy some spice in their sex lives. 

Ace News Today - Kinkiness in America: New sex study ranks each state as to its level of kinkiness
(State flag of South Dakota)

Second place in the ranking is Idaho, appearing just below South Dakota with only 323 average monthly searches per 100k people; yet the second most vanilla state still searches for ‘fleshlight’ 1,758 times a month on average. 

Montana is America’s third most vanilla state, with just 326 monthly searches per 100k people on average. Interestingly, ‘ball gags’ are searched for 189 times a month on average in Montana – arguably one of the kinkiest accessories in the list. 

Next is Wyoming in fourth place, with only 342 monthly searches per 100k inhabitants on average. Wyoming searches for America’s favorite sex toy, the ‘fleshlight’, the least out of all the states with 538 average monthly searches. 

Mississippi is the fifth most vanilla state, with just 352 average monthly searches per 100k people. Mississippi is the only state in the ranking where the ‘rose toy’ vibrator is the most popular sex toy, seeing 2,538 hits a month on average. 

West Virginia is in sixth place for the most vanilla states, seeing just 362 monthly searches on average per 100k residents. West Virginians search for ‘chastity belts’ 488 times a month on average. 

Appearing just under sixth place is New Mexico, at seventh in the ranking with only 364 average monthly searches per 100k people. New Mexico’s most popular sex toy is still the ‘fleshlight’, with 2,198 hits a month on average. 

In eighth place for the most vanilla states is North Dakota with just 369 monthly average searches per 100k inhabitants. Although both states in the Dakotan territory have landed in the ranking of the most vanilla states, North Dakota citizens are kinkier than their neighbor. 

Iowa sits in ninth place of the most vanilla states, witnessing just 370 average monthly searches per 100k residents. Iowans search for ‘fleshlight’ the most out of all the states in the ranking, with 3,268 hits a month on average.

Just securing their place in America’s top ten most vanilla states are Rhode Island and Vermont. Tying in tenth place, the states witness just 371 monthly searches per 100k people.  Again, Rhode Island and Vermont’s’ favorite sex toy is the ‘fleshlight’, with 1,028 monthly searches on average in the former and 729 in the latter. 

The Ten Least Kinkiest States in the U.S. 

Rank State Average Monthly Search Volume Per 100k 
1 South Dakota 322 
2 Idaho 323 
3 Montana 326 
4 Wyoming 342 
5 Mississippi 352 
6 West Virginia 362 
7 New Mexico 364 
8 North Dakota 369 
9 Iowa 370 
10 Rhode Island & Vermont 371 

A sexual wellness expert from  has commented on the findings: “Our research shows that the US is expected to maintain the status as the most significant region in the world for the sexual wellness market by 2030. This is primarily due to the more liberal policies and attitudes towards sexuality and sexual health becoming more open and progressive.” 

“However, our recent study also found that 73% of people agree sex toys are still taboo in society, and 66% believe talking about sex toys is taboo even among friends. Wyoming, Mississippi, and New Mexico are among the states with the least sex toy sales, which is consistent with the study’s findings.” 

Leaving the ‘vanilla’ states in the dust, America’s kinkiest state is Georgia, seeing 521 monthly searches per 100k inhabitants. Georgia’s favorite sex toy is the ‘rose toy’ with a staggering 14,293 monthly hits on average, while searches for ‘fleshlight’ are at 12,381 hits a month. 

See the complete ranking of kinkiness in the U.S. from the most vanilla states to the kinkier states, below.

Full State Ranking from Least Kinky State to the Most Kinky State  

Rank Row Labels Average Monthly Search Volume Average Monthly Search Volume Per 100k 
1 South Dakota 2,929 322 
2 Idaho 6,258 323 
3 Montana 3,657 326 
4 Wyoming 1,987 342 
5 Mississippi 10,341 352 
6 West Virginia 6,423 362 
7 New Mexico 7,691 364 
8 North Dakota 2,877 369 
9 Iowa 11,856 370 
10 Rhode Island 4,056 371 
11 Vermont 2,403 371 
12 Kansas 10,980 374 
13 Alaska 2,743 374 
14 South Carolina 20,034 379 
15 Arkansas 11,724 385 
16 New Hampshire 5,403 387 
17 Kentucky 17,507 388 
18 Maine 5,376 388 
19 Wisconsin 23,142 393 
20 Oklahoma 16,156 402 
21 New Jersey 37,626 406 
22 Delaware 4,164 409 
23 Louisiana 19,080 416 
24 Indiana 28,448 416 
25 Minnesota 24,039 420 
26 Michigan 42,268 421 
27 Hawaii 6,174 429 
28 Ohio 50,724 431 
29 Pennsylvania 56,429 435 
30 Alabama 22,342 440 
31 Missouri 27,280 442 
32 Nebraska 8,697 442 
33 Arizona 32,815 446 
34 Connecticut 16,184 446 
35 Florida 99,536 447 
36 Tennessee 31,746 450 
37 Oregon 19,385 457 
38 Virginia 39,873 459 
39 Massachusetts 32,251 462 
40 Maryland 29,133 473 
41 Illinois 60,263 479 
42 Utah 16,205 479 
43 Washington 37,708 484 
44 California 190,638 488 
45 Colorado 28,876 494 
46 North Carolina 52,903 494 
47 Texas 149,472 498 
48 New York 99,978 508 
49 Nevada 16,164 509 
50 Georgia 56,837 521 
US 1,544,114 462 

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  • (Methodology:  Google Keyword Planner was used to obtain the search volumes of the following terms in each state and the US overall. The search volumes were also weighed against the populations to determine the ranking per 100,000 people.) 

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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