Lake Helen man arrested on soliciting young girl for sex

Lake Helen man arrested on soliciting young girl for sex

Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Local, Mugshots, Police, Public Health and Safety, Top News

(Walter Wayne Monroe, mugshot, Image credit: Volusia Sheriff’s Office)

On February 2, Florida’s Volusia Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest of 51-year-old Lake Helen resident Walter Wayne Monroe of E. Kicklighter Road on charges of soliciting a child for unlawful sexual conduct using a computer, and, lewd/lascivious conduct by a person 18 or older.

Following his arrest, Monroe was transported to the Branch Jail on a $275,000 bond.

The Sheriff’s Office reports that the charges brought against Monroe stem from an investigation into inappropriate contact he had with a minor-aged female in Volusia County back in April 2023.

Anyone with information about Walter Wayne Monroe and his activities is urged to contact the Sheriff’s Office Child Exploitation Unit at (386) 323-3574. 

(Source and Walter Wayne Monroe booking photo: Volusia Sheriff’s Office)

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Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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