Latest in a series of smash and grab burglaries in Baltimore nets 18-year-old burglar

On November 7 at approximately 6:09 a.m., Baltimore City Police Officers were call to respond to a burglary in progress and witnessed an induvial exiting the Aden Deli and Grocery located in the 2300 block of Orem Avenue. A van was used to smash through the front window of the building in an attempt to remove the ATM from the business. The suspect, Said Hamza, identified himself to police as a juvenile and was taken into custody.
Through the course of their investigation, detectives learned that Hamza was not a juvenile but was in fact 18-years-old – and subsequently arrested and charged him with commercial burglary and other related offenses.
This is just the latest ATM related incident. there have been numerous ATM thefts across the Baltimore area this past week. ~ WMAR2 News

For another recent smash and grab in Baltimore, check out the video below. “People were stunned when they saw the gaping hole in the Walgreens on York Road and Walker Avenue in North Baltimore.”

(Source: Baltimore Police Department)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter