Leechburg Police Chief arrested for sexually enticing 14-year-old girl online

The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office had been working a child sex sting operation against Police Chief Michael Diebold of the Leechburg Police Department for the last four months – ever since it became apparent to officials that the chief was pursuing who he thought was a 14-year-old girl online for a sexual relationship. Diebold was going under the online name of “kutecop4you”. The school-age girl that responded to Diebold’s ad was actually a special agent for the Attorney General’s office, according to NBC News.
The married-with-children 40-year-old Diebold is chief of the three-man Leechburg Police Department located just north of Pittsburgh. Portions of his online comments written to whom he thought was a young girl were included in the criminal complaint against him and shared by NBC News. His ad read in part, “everyone has to have a first time. You will just have to get me naked tomorrow. I’m not teasing.”
Diebold first made headlines last summer when he blew his arm off in a fireworks accident. Then the community came to his support and rallied behind him, according to CNN. Those same community members are shocked and dismayed now that the chief has been arrested and charged with felony child sex crimes. He’s currently being held at the Westmoreland County Prison in Greensburg on a $500,000 bond.
Regarding the charges against Diebold, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said, “This case is particularly heinous because the perpetrator is a public official, sworn to serve and protect the community. We have a zero tolerance policy for the sexual abuse of children and my office will prosecute any offender to the fullest extent of the law, no matter who they are.”
Officials began investigating Diebold in September after the online ad which identified him as a police office looking for sex became public. Additional excerpts shared by NBC from his ad include Diebold as writing, “I am a dom male that is also employed as a full time police officer. I hope that doesn’t scare you off.” Diebold went on to describe himself as “white, straight, good looking, clean, disease free, mentally stable and fun.”
“I am looking for a female sub for ongoing play sessions,” the ad read. “I respect any and all limits and you do not need to be experienced.”
Diebold didn’t have a problem when the supposed eighth grade girl told him on numerous occasions that she was only 14. He still sent her what have been described as inappropriate photos. Time reported that when the married police chief went to meet the girl last week, “law enforcement officers greeted him and took him into custody instead.”
Daniel Block, the special agent posing online as the 14-year-old girl, repeatedly stated the age, Block wrote in an affidavit. But he said Diebold’s advances continued.
“… what are you wearing right now, proof that you are serious would be a bra and panty pic right now,” the police chief wrote, according to Block’s affidavit.
On December 29, Diebold allegedly sent several images to the undercover officer, including photos of an erect penis in various stages of undress. ~ per CNN
Danielle Reinke Diebold, Diebold’s wife, told Trib Live that she’s never been hurt so badly. “I am broken, devastated, humiliated, and I was completely blindsided. He was the first man ever in my life who never made me question, never gave me a gut feeling, never a bad instinct or sign and we were even in the process of planning to extend our family.
“This is not who we knew. We knew a loving, caring father and husband and we are grieving the loss of that man,” she said. “I will never find the right words to say but I want to say I am truly so sorry to everyone out there including any minor that may have been involved, our community, family and friends.”
“I don’t know how to pick up all these broken pieces and find a way to put them back together and go on with my life, but I have to try to find a way for my children.”
Diebold has been suspended without pay but is still considered to be employed with the Leechburg Police Department. Prosecutors are charging him with unlawful contact with a minor and criminal attempt to commit involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, both felony charges. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for January 16.
Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today