Man robs bank only to throw the cash into the air outside the bank yelling ‘Merry Christmas’

Man robs bank only to throw cash into the air outside the bank yelling ‘Merry Christmas’

Armed Robbery, Crime & Courts, Holidays, Money, Police, Strange News, Stupid Criminals, Top News, Weapons
Ace News Today - Man robs bank only to throw the cash into the air outside the bank yelling ‘Merry Christmas’
Image credit: Around The World / YouTube

Not actually Santa Claus, but a Colorado senior citizen sporting a white beard who had the Christmas spirit entered the Academy Bank on 1 S. Tejon Street in Colorado Springs in the middle of the lunch hour on December 23 and robbed the bank, according to a Christmas Eve report from the Daily Mail.  The bank robber told the bank teller that he had a weapon in his pocket and then left the bank with a bag of cash. The allegedly armed bank robber was identified as 65-year-old David Wayne Oliver.

Oliver didn’t try making a run for it though and instead seemed to do everything possible to get himself arrested.  Upon exiting the bank with his loot in hand, Oliver started throwing handfuls of cash into the air while shouting “Merry Christmas.”

KKTV in Colorado Springs shared some testimony from Dion Pascale, a witness at the scene, who said that once outside the bank, the bank robber “tossed the money ‘all over the place.'”

‘He started throwing money out of the bag’ before yelling, ‘Merry Christmas,’ the TV station quoted Pascale as saying. 

Pascale said bystanders retrieved some of the money and returned it to the bank as Oliver walked to the Starbucks, sat down and appeared to be waiting for police to arrest him.

The Colorado Springs Police Department informed the media that following Oliver’s arrest, thousands of dollars remained unaccounted for – presumably scoffed up by bystanders on the scene. Police also said that although the bank robber threatened the bank teller by saying he had a weapon in his pocket – no evidence of any weapon was found on his person. There was also no evidence that Oliver had any Christmas elves helping him out that day.

Police transported the misguided bank robber to the El Paso County Jail.  He’s scheduled to make his first appearance in court on December 26.

~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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