Martin Co. High School teacher arrested for soliciting inappropriate pics, videos from young teen students

Martin Co. High School teacher arrested for soliciting inappropriate pics, videos from young teen students

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On August 24, Florida’s Martin County Sheriff’s Special Victims Detectives announced the arrest of a Martin County High School Automotive Maintenance Teacher on charges of possession of child pornography and solicitation of a minor. Officials said that the teacher, identified as 34-year-old Antonio Capilupi, was taken into custody yesterday and was being booked into the Martin County Jail.

Capilupi faces five felony counts — three counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of solicitation of a minor.

The teacher coerced a 13-year-old student to send him inappropriate videos and pictures through Snapchat, according to investigators.  ~ WPTV

The Martin County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) said that their detectives have been working closely with the Martin County School District on this case.  Capilupi has been employed with the Martin County School District since December 2022.  He has since been terminated.

Officials also believe that Capilupi has solicited additional student victims during his brief teaching career – and they reached out to parents with the following:

We are asking parents to speak to their children and ask if they have had any inappropriate contact with Mr. Capilupi, or if the teacher has asked them to forward photos or take any inappropriate photos at his request. If so, please contact the Martin County Sheriff’s Office at (772) 220-7000.

Ace News Today - Martin Co. High School teacher arrested for soliciting inappropriate pics, videos from young teen students

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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