Maryland man gets 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to three kidnappings

Jesse Nunn, 24, of Maryland, was sentenced on September 19 to 120 months behind bars for his part in three separate kidnappings over the course of three weeks in Northwest Washington D.C. Nunn, a.k.a. Benjamin Nunn, pled guilty on May 10 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, to three counts of kidnapping. On Thursday he was sentenced to 10 years in prison to be followed by five years of supervised release.
According to evidence presented in court, on July 15, 2018, Nunn and a co-defendant lured Complaining Witness (“CW”) #1 into his car in the 1300 block of U Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., with the promise of selling him narcotics. When CW #1 entered the car, Nunn produced a handgun and pointed it at CW #1, demanding the victim’s debit/credit card, cellphone, and money.
During the course of the kidnapping, the defendants drove to various financial institutions and other store locations, crossing state lines, in an attempt to use CW #1’s debit/credit cards to obtain U.S. Currency. At one point, Nunn also punched CW #1, causing minor injuries. CW #1 was eventually able to escape from the vehicle and flag-down a passing driver.
On July 27, 2018, in the 600 block of U Street, N.W., Nunn and two co-defendants lured CW #2 into their car with the promise of selling him narcotics. CW #2 willingly got into the defendants’ vehicle so that the defendants could take him to an ATM to get money for the purchase of the narcotics. The defendants drove CW #2 to a 7-Eleven ATM located in Bladensburg, Maryland, so that CW #2 could use the ATM machine to withdraw U.S. currency to purchase narcotics from the defendants.
When CW #2 and one of the co-defendants returned to the vehicle, Nunn produced a handgun and pointed the weapon at CW #2. The defendants demanded CW #2’s debit/credit card, cellphone, and cash. The defendants forcibly took CW #2 to various locations, including locations outside of the District of Columbia, to use or attempt to use CW #2’s debit/credit cards for money or other personal property. CW #2 was eventually able to escape from the vehicle in Virginia.
On August 4, 2018, at approximately 2:30 am, CW #3 left a nightclub located in the 1300 block of U Street, N.W. to catch an Uber home. Believing Nunn’s vehicle to be his Uber, CW #3 entered the vehicle, in which Nunn was seated in the rear seat. Within minutes of CW #3 getting into the vehicle for his ride home, Nunn demanded CW #3’s phone and wallet and then produced and pointed a handgun at CW #3.
Nunn and his co-defendant drove CW #3 around and demanded that CW #3 give them his PIN number for his debit/credit card. CW #3 was eventually able to escape from the vehicle in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
(Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Columbia)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter