Maryland man sentenced to eight months in prison for distributing child pornography

Maryland man sentenced to eight years in prison for distributing child pornography

Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Local, Mugshots, Police, Top News, Violent Crimes

Justin Lee Snowden, 33, of Pasadena, Maryland was sentenced this week to 97 months in prison on one count of distribution of child pornography for sending videos, over the internet, of children being sexually abused.  The sentence was announced by U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves, FBI Special Agent in Charge Wayne A. Jacobs, of the Washington Field Office’s Criminal and Cyber Division, and Acting Chief Pamela Smith, of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

Snowden pleaded guilty to the charge on July 7 in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia. He was sentenced on November 7 by the Honorable Rudolph Contreras, who also ordered Snowden to serve 15 years of supervised release.

Background:  In August and September of 2022, Snowden joined and participated in an online chat platform devoted to the sexual exploitation of children. Beginning on August 19, 2022, Snowden communicated with an undercover officer, based in San Francisco, and offered a female child – whom he claimed was his daughter – to someone he believed had a sexual interest in children. On September17, Snowden had a similar conversation with an undercover agent in Tampa, Florida, regarding the abuse of girls who Snowden purported to be his daughters. The next day, he began an online chat with an undercover officer in Washington D.C., who was a member of the joint Metropolitan Police Department – FBI Child Exploitation Task Force.

During the chat, Snowden offered his purported five- and seven-year-old daughters for sex with members of the group. In actuality, Snowden did not have any children. He also sent others non-explicit pictures of two minor females. During the chat, Snowden claimed that he had sexually abused the girls. Later, Snowden sent an image to the undercover agent of a nude toddler lying on her back with her legs spread, and a video depicting an adult man sexually abusing a prepubescent child. Snowden asked the undercover agent for sexually explicit images of the agent’s purported daughter.

On each occasion, Snowden had every reason to believe that he was chatting with someone who intended to sexually abuse a child or who was actively abusing one. Because law enforcement intervened, Snowden’s actions did not lead to the hands-on sexual abuse of an actual child.

Snowden was arrested on September 26, 2022, in Washington D.C. He has been detained ever since.

This case was investigated by the FBI Washington Field Office’s Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force. The task force is composed of FBI agents, along with other federal agents and detectives from northern Virginia and the District of Columbia, including the Metropolitan Police Department. The task force is charged with investigating and bringing federal charges against individuals engaged in the exploitation of children and those engaged in human trafficking.

(Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Columbia)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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