Memorial Day Weekend 2023: Police across the land are watching out for impaired drivers

(Image credit: NJPN.org / Twitter)
It’s Memorial Day Weekend across the land, a time we’ve set aside to honor all the soldiers who died during service to our nation. It’s also a weekend that’s become synonymous with barbeques, partying and too much alcohol consumption. And sometimes, those that have been drinking too much get behind the wheel of a vehicle – causing all kinds of problems.
Because this weekend has a history of drunk drivers on our roadways, local and state law enforcement agencies across the country have taken to bolstering their efforts in an effort to deal with dangerous driving behaviors, and save lives, as more motorists are expected to travel this holiday.
Maryland averaged 152 fatalities and 2,003 injuries due to impaired driving crashes annually between 2017 and 2021, according to the Maryland Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office. Many of these deaths and injuries were preventable.
In Maryland, State Troopers from 23 barracks, including members of the State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort Team, known as the SPIDRE team, will be focusing enforcement efforts on impaired driving, aggressive driving, speeding, distracted driving and other violations that contribute to highway tragedies, especially during the holiday weekend. Additional troopers will be working overtime assignments funded by highway safety grants from the Maryland Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office.
“As we prepare to kick off the summer travel season this Memorial Day weekend, we want motorists to arrive at their destinations safely,” Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Roland L. Butler, Jr. said. “We always ask that if you choose to drink, then please arrange for a designated driver or a safe ride home.”
Among the planned initiatives:
- The Bel Air Barrack will focus efforts on Routes 1, 24, 40, and 155 in Harford County.
- The Salisbury Barrack will conduct enforcement along Routes 50 and 13 corridors in Wicomico County.
- The Annapolis Barrack will focus on DUI enforcement along Routes 50 and Interstate 97 in Anne Arundel County.
- The Forestville Barrack will focus its efforts on Route 5 in Prince George’s County.
- The Rockville Barrack will concentrate its efforts on Interstate 495 in Montgomery County.
- Golden Ring Barrack will concentrate on crash hotspots around Interstate 695 within Baltimore County.
- Centreville Barrack will conduct operations on Routes 301, 20 and 50.
- The Waterloo Barrack will work crash and DUI reduction efforts in and around high-crash areas within Howard County.
- The Hagerstown Barrack will conduct saturation patrols on Interstates 70 and 81 in Washington County.
If you are attending a Memorial Day gathering:
- Designate a sober driver in advance and give that person your car keys.
If you’re planning on driving, avoid drinking. - Consider using public transportation. Call a taxi or use a ride-share service if you don’t have a sober driver.
- Don’t let a friend drive if you think they are impaired.
- If you see someone who you believe is driving impaired, then call the police.
- Always buckle up.
- Don’t drive distracted, text or use a cellphone that is not hands-free.
See: AAA offers free ‘Tow to Go’ service to combat impaired driving over holiday weekend
If you are hosting a Memorial Day gathering:
- Remember, you can be held liable if someone you served alcohol to ends up in an impaired-driving crash.
- Serve plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
- Ensure sober drivers or alternative modes of transportation are set up in advance for guests who are planning to drink alcoholic beverages.
- Have contact information for local taxi companies readily available.
- Take the keys away from anyone who is thinking of driving impaired.
Memorial Day was declared a national holiday through an act of Congress back in 1971, although our nation’s celebrations honoring those that have served have roots dating back to the Civil War era. It’s our time to remember and honor the lives lost of those serving in the U.S. military. Please have a plan to stay safe and healthy this holiday weekend by not drinking and driving a car or boat.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy
For all who have fallen, and for all who have served, “Thank You For Your Service”
(Source: Maryland State Police)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram