Miami man gets 25 years in prison for sex trafficking victims, including a 16-year-old runaway girl

Miami man gets 25 years in prison for forced sex trafficking, including 16-year-old girl

Assault, Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Government, Mugshots, Police, Public Health and Safety, Rape, Sex Crimes, Top News, Violent Crimes

A Miami man who forced a 16-year-old girl and an adult woman into selling themselves for sex was sentenced on March 8 in Miami, Florida, to 25 years behind bars.

According to court papers, Julius Dwight Mozie met the minor after she had run away from home.  He coerced her into taking lewd photographs and then subsequently posted the photographs on a website to advertise the minor victim for commercial sex acts.  Then, he forced her to perform those commercial sex acts.  

Around the same time, Mozie also forced an adult victim to perform commercial sex acts over a period of several months.  If the victims failed to comply with Mozie’s instructions, he would subject them to his “Torture Chamber” to punish them. 

In the “Torture Chamber,” Mozie handcuffed, beat, raped, and waterboarded his victims.  He also urinated and defecated on them.

Julius Dwight Mozie, Image credit: Miami-Dade PD

United States Senior District Court Judge Beth Bloom imposed the 25-year sentence, which also included a term of 15 years of supervised release following incarceration.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse, launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice.

To report suspected human trafficking or to obtain resources for victims, please call 1-888-373-7888; text “BeFree” (233733), or live chat at  The toll-free phone, SMS text lines, and online chat function are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Correspondence with the National Hotline is confidential, and you may request assistance or report a tip anonymously.

(Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of Florida)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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