Mom arrested and charged after giving birth, bagging newborn and tossing baby in dumpster

On the morning of May 10, the Sheriff’s Office in Palm Beach County, Florida, released a brief statement saying that their detectives arrested a woman who abandoned her baby on Wednesday morning. The woman not only abandoned her baby, but after giving birth to the newborn, the mother put the baby in a bag and “tossed” the bag into a dumpster at a Boca Raton apartment complex.
The bad mom, identified as 35-year-old Rafaelle Alessandra Carbalho Sousa of West Boca Raton, will be attending her first court appearance today and has already been charged with attempted felony murder and child abuse.
Sousa admitted to giving birth to the baby, placing her in a bag and throwing the bag containing the baby into the dumpster. Amazingly, the newborn was discovered by passersby, rescued from that dumpster, and is alive and well.
WPTV reported the Sheriff’s Office as saying that two people were walking by the dumpster Wednesday morning at the Alister apartments in Boca Raton when they heard a baby crying. They checked and found the newborn baby girl alive and in a bag in the dumpster.
Police said the baby weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, still had her umbilical cord attached and was rushed to a local hospital where she was found to be in good health.
For more on this alarming story, see the video accompanying this article.
~ Written by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter