New Study: Oil used in McDonald’s french fries may hold the key to curing baldness

Stem cell research scientists at Yokohama National University in Japan released a new study claiming that they may have found a baldness cure using an ingredient commonly used in McDonald’s fry oil to prevent the oil from splashing. That ingredient, dimethylpolysiloxane, is a chemical silicone that has been shown to “mass produce hair follicles on mice,” according to Fox News. The researchers are saying that their studies show that their use of dimethylpolysiloxane has resulted in thousands of simultaneous hair follicle germs.
The scientific study claims to have successfully created “hair follicle germs” (HFG), or those cells that help grow hair follicles. At this point, research has only been performed with mice. The scientists involved in the study are confident that the same research techniques will prove successful creating human hair follicles.
The key for the mass production of HFGs was a choice of substrate materials for the culture vessel,” Professor Junji Fukuda said in the study. “We used oxygen-permeable dimethylpolysiloxane (PDMS) at the bottom of culture vessel, and it worked very well.”
Once the HGFs were transplanted into the backs of the mice, new black hairs began to sprout in those areas.
The technique created “5,000 HFGs simultaneously, and report[ed] new hair growth from the HFGs after transplantation into mice,” the study said. ~ per Fox News

Regarding the research, Newsweek further quoted Kukada as saying that, “This simple method is very robust and promising. We hope this technique will improve human hair regenerative therapy to treat hair loss such as androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). In fact, we have preliminary data that suggests human HFG formation using human keratinocytes and dermal papilla cells.”
The research was published in the February, 2018, Biomaterials journal with the study’s abstract ending with, “This simple ssHFG preparation approach is a promising strategy for improving current hair-regenerative medicine techniques.”
As a caution to going out and consuming large quantities of McDonald’s french fries in an effort to cure baldness, Business Insider is quick to report that the magic ingredient in the fry oil, “does not on its own trigger hair growth. So eating more McDonald’s fries is unlikely to cause your hair to grow.”
~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter