Nikki Haley vows to fight on after losing New Hampshire primary
(Cover photo of Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, Image credit: YouTube)
So close. Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and governor of South Carolina, faced a minor setback in her bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination when she lost the New Hampshire primary last night to former President Donald Trump. Haley started out strong on Tuesday and remained optimistic in her fight – despite trailing Trump by 12 points. Although many predicted she would drop out of the race if she lost the primary in New Hampshire, she refused to concede and pledged to continue with her campaign, saying in part that she was “a fighter” and “scrappy.”
“This race is far from over, There are dozens of states left to go and the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina.” ~ CBS News
Nikki still vows to fight on and still hopes to attract more younger voters as well as moderate and independent voters who are dissatisfied with Trump’s divisive and chaotic leadership.
Haley is taking last night’s loss in stride and presents an optimistic front, positioning herself in New Hampshire as a logical, pragmatic, and more principled alternative to Trump, who still commands a loyal base of supporters in the Republican party. Haley argued that Trump’s presidency had damaged the Republican Party’s image and electoral prospects, citing the losses in the 2018, 2020 and 2022 midterms, as well as the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
The former South Carolina governor also highlighted her experience as a governor and a diplomat, as well as her identity as a woman and a daughter of Indian immigrants, to contrast with Trump’s lack of qualifications and diversity.
Unfortunately, all of Nikki Haley’s shining and obviously superior attributes could not win the night. Trump ended up wooing the Granite State with a comfortable lead of 55% versus Haley’s 43% of the votes.
A comfortable lead for Trump – but not a landslide victory.
Ever the optimist, Haley, vowed to fight on and appealed to her supporters to stay with her until the very end. She pointed out that she was the only remaining challenger to Trump, after the other candidates had dropped out or failed to gain traction. She also expressed confidence that she would perform better in the upcoming contests, especially in her home state of South Carolina, where she enjoys high name recognition and approval ratings. Haley stood her ground last night, adding that she was not afraid to take on Trump and his MAGA movement.
Coming up in February are the Nevada primary on February 6, the Nevada and Virgin Island caucuses, both on February 8, the primary in South Carolina on February 24, and Michigan on February 27.
For more on Trump winning the Republican primary in New Hampshire, and rival Nikki Haley pledging to fight on to South Carolina next month, see the video below.
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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