Orlando police arrest 11 suspected child sex predators in undercover sting

Orlando police arrest 11 suspected child sex predators in undercover sting

Caught on Camera, Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Domestic Violence, Events, Government, Local, Mugshots, Police, Public Health and Safety, Public Service Announcement, Sex Crimes, Top News, Violent Crimes

On May 19, Florida’s Orlando Police Department arrested 11 men as part of an investigation into suspected child predators who were attempting to have sex with children.

“Operation CACHE” started on May 9, 2024 and involved Orlando Police Department detectives, in conjunction with the FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Secret Service (SS) agents, Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, Seminole County Sheriff’s Office, Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Florida, Altamonte Springs Police Department, Port Orange Police Department, and Sanford Police Department Detectives, posing as minors and parents with access to minors to locate online predators who wanted to have sex with children who were either 13 or 14 years old.

The individuals arrested ranged in age from 18 years old to 77 years old.

The following six men, pictured below, were arrested during Operation CACHE when they traveled to a predetermined location in the City of Orlando to meet with a child, they believed to be 13 or 14 years old:

  • Stanley Champagne, 35, Orlando
  • Jermaurey Bonner, 31, Orlando
  • Ross Greenhill, 35, Melbourne
  • Iva Lopez Guzman,43, Altamonte Springs
  • Pooran Ramjattan, 61, Kissimmee
  • Altravias King, 35, Orlando

The following 5 men, pictured below, were arrested during Operation CACHE after arrest warrants were issued for their arrests:

  • James Winston, 77, Lakeland
  • Jessie Turner II, 30, Orlando
  • Daniel Hilaryo Hidalgo, 27, Port Richey
  • Justin Acevedo, 25, Kissimmee
  • Jonathan Rodriguez, 18, Orlando

Jermaurey Bonner told detectives and agents during his interview that he was trying to become a local youth pastor. Ross Greenhill and Jonathan Rodriguez solicited an agent posing as a parent to have sex with a 13-year-old girl. Altravias King was recently released from prison on March 1 for attempted homicide after serving 10 years;  and he was on parole at the time of his arrest.

Some of the men arrested also transmitted images of their genitals, pornographic videos, and other images that may be harmful to minors, in addition to soliciting minors or parents with access to minors for sex with children during the undercover operation. ~ Orlando POlice Department

The Orlando Police Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) working in conjunction with the US Attorney’s Office, have resulted in three (3) of these cases being adopted federally and the individuals will be prosecuted by the US Attorney’s Office. The remaining eight individuals will be prosecuted by the State Attorney’s Office 9th judicial circuit.

The Orlando Police Department would like to remind parents to monitor the social media and online accounts of their children and report any incidents to their local police department or sheriffs’ office.

(Source and all images: Orlando Police Department)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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