Operation Clean Sweep: Clearing Indian River County streets of 12 sex offenders

Check here to see there are registered sex offenders or predators living near you in Florida

Florida man leads cops on hi-speed chase, throws infant at deputy in failed getaway attempt

“He just turned around, no regard, not a little toss or anything, he just turned around, overhand threw this two-month-old at me from about 6 feet away.” ~ Deputy

Florida man beats up on his elderly mother, bites arresting K9

The deputies caught up with the mom beater in a wooded area near the home, Man bites dog

Disrespectful teen with no ride to work starts waving a gun around his mom

He threatened to shoot his mother with a stolen Glock if she called the police

Drugs, gun and money: Two unrelated traffic violations lead to two separate drug busts

Erratic driving and a burned-out headlight led to two car crashes and recovery of drugs, gun and money