Ormand Beach man arrested on 45 counts of child porn possession

Police say the man had explicit videos and images depicting the sexual abuse of boys and girls ranging in age from infant to 10 years old

Wanted! Man, who exposed himself to girl, 10, and tried to kidnap her in Homestead

Police want to identify and arrest this guy

Delaware murder suspect wanted in Maryland for shooting death of a man in Miami

Suspect Fernando Medina-Moreta, 27, wanted for the murder of 23-year-old Franklin Abraham Perez Rodriguez

Sheriff’s warning: Masked man tried abducting two women on two different nights in quiet Vero Beach neighborhood

The search is on for the man described as muscular and wearing a mask. He ran off both times when his victims screamed for help.

Police seeking next of kin of homeless man who committed suicide by train

Clinton McCray, 64, was struck by a train and died on May 28. Police aren’t having any luck locating his family members

Bad actor caught red-handed after scamming elderly man out of $150,000 in gold bars

Patel, 21, arrested and caught with even more gold that he had just scammed from another victim

Jane Doe cold case anniversary reward: Do you know this woman? 

remains discovered in Vero Beach in 2001, and we’re still trying to identify her

Florida teen, 14, arrested, accused of beating and raping 91-year-old neighbor

The victim told investigators that the teen used to stop by her home often when he was younger and talk with her. She described him as a “good boy.”

Pompano man arested after 10 crying dogs covered in filth discovered in non-ventilated storage unit without food, water

The owner of the dogs was charged with 10 counts of animal cruelty involving torment, animal cruelty resulting in deprivation and mutilation of animals,