Florida man gets 17 years in federal prison for enticing 11-year-old to share nude pics and meet for sex

The Orlando man convinced a boy to share nude pics & videos of himself and messaged him about meeting for sex

After 27 years, Hog Trail Murder victim, John Doe #1, identified as missing Massachusetts man

Thanks to advances in forensic DNA testing technology . . .

Self-proclaimed MAGA Caravan Leader arrested for assault on police during Jan. 6 Capitol riot

Ohio man seen repeatedly attacking, punching, & striking officers at the Jan. 6 insurrection

John Earle Sullivan: Insurrectionist who sold videos of Capitol riot has funds seized by government

U.S. reportedly seized $90K that Sullivan made by selling his Capitol riot videos to several news outlets

Another Florida man arrested in connection with January 6 attack on the Capitol

“Coolest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” Insurrectionist who bragged about pushing female cop down Capitol stairs on Jan. 6 has been arrested

Former Texas State Trooper charged with sexually assaulting two women while on duty

The Trooper, now facing life in prison, forced 2 women to have sex with him after pulling them over during traffic stops

Maryland: Ex-substitute teacher busted distributing and possessing child porn

The 27-year-old ex-substitute teacher was charged with 6 counts of distribution and possession

As Valentine’s Day approaches, be aware of romance scammers looking to steal your money

Beware of Romance Scammers Looking to Break Your Heart and Empty Your Bank Account