Sebastian Police Department volunteer arrested on 50 counts of possessing child porn

75-year-old Arnold William Flannery is currently being detained at the Indian River County Jail on 50 counts of possessing child porn

Unidentified Vero Beach female murder victim identified after 42 years

The body of Evelyn Horne Townsend was found in a canal in 1982. Officials just identified her …

Deputy hired and fired same day after high school student recognized him as predator who solicited her for sex pics on Snapchat

he solicited several high school girls using his position of authority, forcing them to send him sexually explicit images against their will

Fellsmere bank robber thwarted following high-speed pursuit ending in car crash

Holdup man David Abram Ziese of Port St. Lucie has a history of robbing banks

IRCSO releases dramatic nighttime helicopter video footage of armed carjacking teens’ pursuit (Video)

The two teens, 13 and 15, are facing serious charges. The 13-year-old already has an “extensive criminal history”

Vero Beach dad accused of killing two-month-old daughter after shoving baby wipe down her throat pleads not guilty

The infant’s tragic death occurred over two years ago. Joseph Napier, the father, was arrested and charged in August

Police need help identifying man who stole a car left running with unattended baby in back seat

The carjacking / infant kidnapping was captured on surveillance video

Beware: Bank juggers are watching you

What are bank juggers and how can you protect yourself against them?

Vero Beach dad charged in the manslaughter death of infant daughter

Following a 2-year investigation, officials determined that the only person responsible for the baby girl’s death was her dad