Maryland cop arrested and charged with 17 counts of possessing and distributing child porn

Mileo is employed as a K-9 handler / police officer with the Maryland National Capital Park Police Department.

R. Kelly arrested again, new federal sex crime charges include child porn and enticing a minor

His newest indictment lists 13 counts, including sex crimes and obstruction of justice

Eric Eoin Marques: Dark Web’s largest child porn distributor extradited from Ireland to U.S.

The Dark Web’s alleged largest child porn facilitator allegedly made available more than one million images of child pornography from a server he personally operated

Volunteer coach for high school hockey club arrested on child porn charges

Cops found several hard drives that had numerous images of child pornography including short videos of children engaging in sexual acts, plus images showing teenage boys in a locker room in various stages of undress.

Former ‘Teacher of the Year’ pleads guilty to producing child porn and soliciting minors online

The former teacher also admitted engaging in on-line chats with at least 9 minor boys in order to obtain sexually explicit images of those minors.

New Hampshire man gets 50 years in federal prison for producing child porn

On December 4, the FBI released word that 49-year-old Richard Silvestri of Seabrook, New Hampshire, was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison for producing child pornography.  According to court […]