Md. man pleads guilty to child porn and secretly taping 84 kids using his home bathroom

On November 14, Jonathan Mark Oldale, 55, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, pleaded guilty to federal charges of production and possession of child pornography, arising from Oldale secretly filming children using […]

Florida man gets 20 years behind bars for distributing child porn, 171 images, 338 videos

The Department of Justice announced on August 10 that U.S. District Judge Paul G. Byron in Orlando sentenced William Joseph McClenathan to 20 years in federal prison for distributing child […]

Maryland man arrested for possessing and distributing child porn

A man from Carroll County, Maryland, was arrested and charged in the early morning hours of March 7, after a Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force investigation developed evidence […]

Police nationwide warn against sharing child porn video now going viral on Facebook

Police departments across the country are warning citizens about a child porn video that’s gone viral on Facebook.  The video depicting a toddler performing oral sex on an adult first […]

Kingsville, Maryland man arrested on child porn charges

On January 23, Maryland State Police issued a release stating that on that same morning, a Harford County, Maryland, man was arrested and charged after a Maryland Internet Crimes Against […]

Former Florida basketball youth coach jailed for sexually abusing children in his home

The despicable coach often had team sleepovers at his home where he molested the children, exposed himself to them, and photographed them. In at least one instance, he offered some parents $5,000 to “keep” the children. Officials fear there are many more victims out there

Former Philadelphia teacher gets 30 years in prison for child sex abuse, exploitation of minors  

For years, posing as a young girl online, the teacher, 33, deceived his underage victims into sending him sexually explicit images and videos of themselves

U.S. Army man charged with using AI to generate sexually explicit child sex abuse images of children known to him

Army Spc. Seth Herrera was found with thousands of violent images of child sexual abuse in his possession, including infants

Orlando police arrest 11 suspected child sex predators in undercover sting

The Orlando PD was joined by the FBI, Homeland Security, Secret Service, and many local law enforcement agencies to conduct “Operation CACHE”