Pennsylvania murder suspect found hiding in the crowd of newly reopened Jacksonville beach

Mario Matthew Gatti, 30, of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, a Pittsburgh suburb, was arrested on a newly reopened Jacksonville, Florida, beach at approximately 8:20 a.m. on April 19. There are certain restrictions in place which include people must be using the beach for active exercise – like running, jogging, or walking a dog. Police are on the beach to insure that citizens adhere to those rules.
Those police noticed Gatti “lounging” along the dunes and arrested him on an initial charge of loitering.
After the mayor of Jacksonville reopened the city’s beaches last Friday, Gatti was one of a throng of beach worshipers who hit the sands after beach closures instituted to prevent the spread of the corona virus were partially lifted. The beaches in Jacksonville are now open several hours in the morning and for several evening hours.
Police said Gatti was loitering close to the dunes when he was taken into custody. He was booked into the Duval County Jail as a fugitive from justice and additionally charged with giving false information to law enforcement. ~ WTAE in Pittsburgh
Arresting officers said that “Gatti initially gave officers a fake name and was in possession of drugs,” according to The Daily Mail.

After transporting Gatti to police headquarters and running his name through the system, officials realized that they had arrested a homicide suspect with an outstanding arrest warrant who was accused of the January 16 shooting murder of 33-year-old Michael Coover, Jr. The shooting went down inside a residence in Arnold, Pennsylvania.
Coover had been shot multiple times and was pronounced dead at the scene.
In addition to being wanted for murder in Pennsylvania and his loitering charge from the beach, Gatti was also charged with giving false information to law enforcement officer in a felony or missing investigation and possession of a new legend drug without a prescription, according to WTAE.
Authorities in Pennsylvania want to charge Gatti with homicide, burglary, reckless endangerment, terroristic threats, and a firearms violation. ~ The Daily Mail
Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter