Former Gentry Phys Ed teacher going to jail after pleading guilty to sexual assault of former student

Phys Ed teacher going to jail after pleading guilty to sexual assault of former student

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Ace News Today - Former Gentry Phys Ed teacher going to jail after pleading guilty to sexual assault of former student
(Leah Queen, former Gentry teacher sentenced, Image credit: Twitter)

Earlier this week, a former Physical Education teacher employed in the Gentry, Oklahoma, school system, was sentenced to jail time, probation and more, after being convicted of having a sexual relationship with one of her students, according to CBS News-5.  Leah Queen, 44, from Westville, Oklahoma, pleaded guilty in court on July 12 to a charge of sexual assault. The sexual contact with her 17-year-old student occurred back in 2010.

According to court documents,  Queen and the student victim, “engaged in deviate sexual activity” during the summer of 2010 before the minor’s senior year of high school in Queen’s school office or her office bathroom.  Queen was employed at the Gentry Intermediate School during that time.  She was arrested in 2022.

Queen’s ex-husband was interviewed during the investigation and reported seeing the victim sharing a bed with Queen on multiple occasions.  ~ MSN

A Benton County Circuit Judge sentenced the former PE teacher to 58 days in the Benton County Jail to be followed by six years of state-supervised probation.  The Arkansas Democrat Gazette shared that she was also ordered to not have any contact with her former student.  As part of her plea agreement, “Queen agreed to never be employed as a teacher again. She will be required to register as a sex offender and must complete a sex offender treatment program.”

Leading up to her arrest, Queen had been a teacher in the Gentry School District for more than 20 years.

Ace News Today - Former Gentry Phys Ed teacher going to jail after pleading guilty to sexual assault of former student
(Leah Queen, Image credit: YouTube)

For more on the former Gentry teacher’s sentence, see the video accompanying this article.

(Cover photo, Image credit: Twitter)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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