Pills and alcohol led to recent rollover crash on I-95 in Vero Beach

On January 31, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office (IRCSO) in Vero Beach, Florida, posted an announcement asking the public to remain patient due to lane closures on I-95 southbound due to a single vehicle rollover crash that caused major delays for anyone driving that route.
On February 1, deputies identified the driver of the vehicle that flipped as 53-year-old Barbara Jean Marra of Port St Lucie.
It was determined that the driver (Barbara Marra) was driving under the influence of drugs which led her to cross the center median and roll her vehicle into the oncoming traffic lanes.
Marra put countless other drivers at risk when she chose to drive impaired. She was booked into the jail after the Florida Highway Patrol finished their investigation. ~ IRCSO
The Sheriff’s Office went on to request that citizens shouldn’t do what Barbara did and remember to always DRIVE SOBER!
Charged with a misdemeanor DUI, Marra was released from the Indian River County Jail on February 1 after posting a $2,500 bond. She’s scheduled to appear in court to face that DUI on Tuesday, March 23.
(Source: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter