Police nationwide warn against sharing child porn video now going viral on Facebook

Police departments across the country are warning citizens about a child porn video that’s gone viral on Facebook. The video depicting a toddler performing oral sex on an adult first surfaced late Thursday or early Friday. ABC News out of Chicago shared that police departments nationwide are warning people not to share that video. “Sharing the video is illegal. Instead, delete it and then contact your local police and Facebook right away.”
Yesterday, The Maryland State Police (MSP) and the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force reported that they are aware of the viral video depicting apparent child pornography being shared through social media.
The video, which appears to depict an underage girl involved in a sex act, has reportedly been shared on various social media and internet service provider platforms across the country. Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces in multiple states are investigating this video and are working to try and determine the origins of the video and identify the victim and suspect involved. ~ per MSP
Police are reminding citizens that disseminating child pornography is illegal. If this video should be shared with you, do not share it with anyone else via email or social media. Instead, delete the video and make sure you report the video to your social media or internet service provider immediately.
In Maryland, anyone with investigative information on the identity of child or the suspect in this video should contact Maryland State Police at 410-653-4200. The MSP investigation into this child porn video is ongoing.
The Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit coordinates the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. This is a combined law enforcement effort involving police departments across Maryland that is funded by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. Task Force investigators focus on identifying those involved in child pornography via the Internet and other related crimes that victimize children.
~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter