Road rage arrest: Florida teacher jailed after waving gun at teen driver

Road rage arrest: Florida teacher jailed after waving gun at teen driver

Assault, Bad Teachers, Caught on Camera, Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Domestic Terrorism, Education, Guns, Human Interest, Lifestyle, Local, Mugshots, Police, Public Health and Safety, Top News, Traffic, Video

An Okaloosa County, Florida, teacher has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following a disturbing road rage incident where he pulled a gun on a teenage driver. 

According to the Walton County Sheriff’s Office, on August 2, Brandon Greggory Crumbley, 36, was involved in a road rage incident where he brake-checked a car driven by a 16-year-old. A short time later, Crumbley was parking his vehicle at his apartment complex when the victim drove by rolling down his window and words were exchanged. As the driver passed by, he told deputies Crumbley lifted his shirt revealing a firearm.

The teen driver never stopped his vehicle and drove past Crumbley in that parking lot.

During the Sheriff’s investigation, it was determined that Crumbley lied to investigators. Crumbley said that he never removed the weapon from the holster and did not use it in a threatening manner.  But when deputies reviewed surveillance video, it was discovered that Crumbley not only lied but appeared to taunt the victim with his unholstered gun.

That video was posted to social media by the Sheriff’s Office and can be viewed below.

As the vehicle was seen leaving the area, Crumbley is seen on video holding the gun over his head,  pointing it at the victim’s car,  and then towards the sky as if to wave him back towards him.

A warrant was submitted for Crumbley’s arrest.   He was located on Thursday, August 31 by the U.S. Marshal’s Task Force at his home on Hammock Trail East in Freeport and taken into custody.

Crumbley has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, improper display of a firearm, and obstruction. He was given a $10,000 bond and as of September 1 was still in jail.

Below, see the video of Okaloosa County teacher Brandon Greggory Crumbley waving that firearm.

(Source and cover images of Brandon Greggory Crumbley: Walton County Sheriff’s Office)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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