Sailor charged with sexual battery of young girl, buys her a morning after pill

Sailor charged with sexual battery of young girl, buys her a morning after pill

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(Dylan B. Adams, Image credit: Pasco County Sheriff’s Office)

On January 3, the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office and the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office both reported that an arrest was made after they received a complaint about a Navy Sailor sexually assaulting an underaged female.  On December 30, 2021, Dylan B. Adams, 24, who is currently active duty in the U.S. Navy and stationed in San Diego, California, flew into the Tampa Bay area to stay with family for the holidays.

While he was in Florida, deputies said that he was flirting with an underage girl on social media.  Adams and the young girl knew each other and attended the same church in Pasco County.

The girl, who deputies say is over the age of 12 but under 16, lives in Hernando County and knew Adams prior to his enlisting in the Navy because the two attended the same church.  ~  Fox13 News

On New Year’s Eve, Adam visited the minor’s residence while her mother was out working.  While in the home, he allegedly had sex with the teen, according to WFLA

After having sex with the minor, Adams left the girl’s home and went to a local pharmacy where he purchased a “Plan B” (morning after) pill.

Adams took the pill back to the victim’s residence, provided it to her, and left again, taking all of the packaging with him (leaving only the instructions, in the event the victim experienced side effects). Prior to leaving, Adams instructed his victim to delete all social media messages the two had exchanged.

On January 2, the minor reported her encounter with Adams to the authorities. 

Deputies collected evidence from the victim and her home.  Afterwards, Adams was arrested by Hernando County deputies; and he provided a full confession to detectives.

Following his arrest, Adams was charged with three counts of lewd and lascivious battery on a person over 12 and under 16. As of this writing, he was being held on $30,000 bond.

(Source: Hernando County Sheriff’s Office)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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