Serial sex offender accused of approaching young girl at Cox Point Park in Essex

Serial sex offender accused of approaching young girl at Cox Point Park in Essex

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Ace News Today - Serial sex offender accused of approaching young girl at Cox Point Park in Essex
(Rodney Key, Image credit: Baltimore County Police)

On May 17, Police in Baltimore County issued an alert to the public regarding an alleged incident that occurred at a local park involving a registered serial sex offender.  The man, identified as 57-year-old Rodney Key, reportedly approached a young girl last week at Cox Point Park, which is located in the 800 block of Riverside Drive in Essex, Maryland.

Detectives investigating the incident are concerned that there may be additional victims in the community. 

Key’s last known address with the Sex Offender Registry is listed as being in the 7000 block of Poplar Avenue in Dundalk, Maryland.

His offenses/statues are listed as being:

Offense/Statute:  Art.27 35c – Causing Abuse To A Child – Art. 27 35c
Date Convicted:  14 January 2011

Offense/Statute:  Cl 3-307(a)(1) – 3rd Degree Sex Offense – Cl 3-307(a)(1)
Date Convicted:   08 June 2010

Back on January 5, 2010, The New York Daily News reported that Key, after having just been released from prison, was charged with fondling an 11-year-old girl in a Southwest Baltimore church.

Key, then 46-years-old, “was in the sanctuary at the St. James Church in the 200 block of S. Augusta Ave. with an 11-year-old girl on Jan. 3 when he put her on his lap and put her hand up her dress, records show.”

Key was already registered as a sex offender in Baltimore County.  And in 2001, he pleaded guilty to “child abuse by a parent” for crimes that occurred between 1990 and 1998 in Talbot County. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison for those crimes but had almost half of that sentence suspended and was released in April 2009.

Regarding this latest allegation, Baltimore County Police are asking anyone with any information regarding Rodney Key to please contact detectives at (410) 887-0220.

Ace News Today - Serial sex offender accused of approaching young girl at Cox Point Park in Essex
(Cox Point Park, Image credits: Google Maps)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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