Sheriff forced to arrest his own daughter on Meth trafficking charges

On April 19, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office headquartered in Apalachicola, Florida, announced the arrest of that Sheriff’s daughter on drug charges. Sheriff A.J. “Tony” Smith posted to his Facebook page that “Methamphetamine does not discriminate & neither do we. It does not matter who you are – No one is immune or exempt.”
Franklin County Sheriff A.J. Smith gave a statement on April 19 confirming that his daughter, Kristen Kent, had been arrested under suspicion of meth trafficking two days prior. ~ Fox 35 Orlando
This Florida Panhandle Sheriff takes drug cases personally and is well known for vehemently going after drug traffickers and dealers in his community. In this latest bust, his daughter, 38-year-old Kristen Kent, along with another suspect, got caught up in a controlled police buy, or sting operation.

The Sheriff said that, “It’s heartbreaking. The last person you ever want to arrest is one of your family members, especially your child. I mean it’s like you can’t even put it into words. I don’t think it’s anything you wish on your worst enemy to do something like this.”
“She delivered two ounces and that’s when she was arrested,” said Smith.

The Sheriff’s daughter was charged with amphetamine traffic or methamphetamine 14 grams or over, drug equipment possession and or use, and cocaine possession. Also caught up in the sting was 25-year-old Bailey Adaire Lee who was arrested and charged with two counts of amphetamine traffic or methamphetamine 14 grams or over.
Our hearts break over the grief meth causes all – whether you use it, sell it or or love someone who is involved with it. If you want to break free from this lifestyle, we want to help you.
Call Shannon at 850.653.5775. ~ Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, A.J. “Tony” Smith, Sheriff is in Apalachicola, Florida.
The Sheriff’s statements were followed by the hashtags #WeDontMethAround #FCSOFL #SheriffAJTonySmith
For more on the Florida Sheriff having to arrest his own daughter on drug charges, see the video accompanying this article.
(Source: Franklin County Sheriff’s Office)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter