Singer Billie Eilish granted restraining order from man stalking her family home and trying to get inside

A 24-year-old man stalking singer / songwriter Billie Eilish appeared at the celebrity’s Los Angeles home about a week ago – a home she shares with her parents. The obsessive fan / stalker, identified as Prenell Rousseau, rang the bell to her home and started chatting with Eilish’s dad, saying, , “I think I might have the wrong house, but does Billie Eilish live here?”
Billie’s dad informed the man repeatedly that he indeed did have the wrong home; but the fan continued to return and once even jiggled the front door handle and tried to get into the house.
Rousseau returned the same day and sat down on the porch as the family waited for security to remove him from the property. He brought a book and sat down to read it alone, while talking to himself, all the while being asked to leave. Instead of doing that, Rousseau doubled down and then returned once more, taking shelter behind a wall to spend the night.
The next day, he returned with a vengeance: he tried to use the door handle to enter the family home, making a total of seven times that he tried to enter to no avail. ~ International Business Times
On May 11, a California judge overseeing the case granted Billie Eilish and her parents a temporary restraining order against Rousseau. That restraining order specified that Rousseau, “must stay 200-yards away from Eilish and her parents, as well as ceasing all contact with the family,” according to MSN.
Eilish and her family were also concerned that Rousseau could be carrying the corona virus. He appeared at the Eilish home a total of seven times. On two of those visits he wore a face mask – but would take it down when he was approached by security personnel. On five visits, he was not wearing a mask. “He was also not wearing gloves and touched the doorbell and doorknob multiple times,” according to TMZ.
The Eilishes are concerned that based on his recent behavior, Rousseau could show up again at their home.
The 18-year-old Eilish first gained notoriety in her younger teenage years, when back in 2015 she debuted her song “Ocean Eyes.” She’s been keeping a low profile since the current pandemic hit; but she did perform from a closed home setting on the April 18 Global Citizen “One World: Together at Home” TV special, where accompanied by Finneas on keyboard, the duo performed “Sunny.”
Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter