Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, 53, suffers severe skating injury

Image credit: Tony Hawk / Facebook
Skateboarding legend, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Birdhouse Skateboards owner Tony Hawk, 53, suffered a severe skating injury on Monday and shared a photo of his completely broken femur on Instagram. “Yesterday sucked.” he posted.
“I broke my elbow 20 years ago and managed to make a full comeback; this recovery for a broken femur will be much harder because of its severity [and my age]. But I’m up for the challenge.” ~ Tony Hawk
In his post, Hawk explained why the injury won’t stop him from skating despite his advanced age. Hawk admitted, however, this recovery process will be “much harder” than the one he underwent for a broken elbow 20 years prior. ~ MSN

Hawk won 10 X Games gold medals in his career, including a 12-year run as world champion before retiring from professional competition in 2003. ~ ESPN
Through the Tony Hawk Foundation and his Skatepark Project, Hawk provides grants and technical assistance for new parks, especially in low-income areas.
And premiering April 5 on HBO Max, you can catch the upcoming Tony Hawk documentary that will cover the skateboarder’s life and times from his early days throughout his career. See the official trailer for “Tony Hawk: Until the Wheels Fall Off,” here.

For more on the skateboarding legend’s recent injury, see the video accompanying this article. Ace News Today is wishing Tony a quick and complete recovery.
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter