SOTU delivered to a divided Congress: NAACP declares speech as ‘false and dangerous’

On the evening of February 4, President Donald Trump delivered his “Great American Comeback!” 2020 State of the Union Address to joint members of Congress – and there was no shortage of dramatic moments from both sides of the political aisle.
Perhaps no-one noticed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s introduction of the president as he walked to the podium. Although it sounded on the surface to be respectful, she didn’t use the traditional wording for that introduction – omitting the statement of the president’s visit being a “high privilege and distinct honor.”
Childishness ensued though when Pelosi offered an outstretched hand to Trump and he snubbed her handshake. “Trump then handed the traditional copies of his speech to Vice President Mike Pence and to Pelosi, but when she reached out to shake his hand, he turned his back on her,” according to USA Today.
Pelosi seemed to try and ignore that snub at first – but as Trump’s speech got underway – she became more visibly angered by some of his statements.
Pelosi, sitting behind the president in her customary spot behind the dais, wryly smiled when Trump talked about protecting pre-existing medical conditions first guaranteed by President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which Republicans, including Trump, have tried to dismantle for years.
She shook her head when Trump took aim at California – her home state – for being a “very terrible sanctuary” for undocumented immigrants who commit crimes, and she mouthed the words “not true” during other portions of his speech.
Trump also devoted a portion of his speech by taking singular credit for the robust state of the economy saying that his policies rescued an economy that was failing during the eight years of the previous administration. During his speech Trump stated that, “The years of economic decay are over. In just three short years, we have shattered the mentality of American decline,” without mentioning that the previous administration is historically credited with digging the nation out of the great recession.
Business Insider fact checked the SOTU and found three false statements Trump made last night concerning the economy.
Perhaps what sent many Democrats over the edge was Melania Trump adorning the Presidential Medal of Freedom to political conservative and radio talk show host to Rush Limbaugh, who announced just the day before the SOTU that he was beginning treatment for an advanced stage of lung cancer, according to CNN.

Because that medal is bestowed to “individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors,” many are wondering what Limbaugh ever did to deserve that honor – especially considering that 100-year-old Col. Charles McGee, one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen from WWII, was in the House.
The most defining moment depicting the divide between Republicans and Democrats, is the vision of Speaker Pelosi tearing up a hard copy of Trump’s speech and tossing it aside as he concluded his address – and while he was still standing at the podium.
As she left the Capitol, a reporter asked her why she tore up the speech.
“Because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives,” she said. ~ NPR

Earlier today, the NAACP issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s State of the Union Address:
President Trump’s deception and theatrics know no bounds. His reductive approach to the crimes and treason he has committed showcase his utter lack of respect for this nation and its citizens. He has set us down a treacherous path for which we will long feel the consequences. He put our ability to have free and fair elections at stake while crippling the power granted to Americans to have their voice heard at the ballot box.
The ill-effects of Trump’s policies and careless behavior do the most harm to the political and social power of communities of color. His failure to confront the plight of all communities (the poor, LBGTQIA, women and immigrants) is without question one of the gravest threats to this country’s promise, “liberty and justice for all.”
Tonight during his speech, we witnessed him take pride in appointing the least qualified and least diverse judges with many remaining in the pipeline. The judges he has appointed are committed to setting back the progress that has been accomplished through our fight for justice, liberation, and equity. The lip service he provided the American people tonight only serves to keep distinct communities suppressed and constrained, both politically and socially. While spewing false narratives to cover up his manipulative and violative behavior, he created irreparable chaos and sullied our nation’s ability to progress toward the ideals of inclusivity and parity.
While he touts a low unemployment rate, the truth is that Black unemployment is still twice as high as that of Whites. His ability to twist the narrative to favor himself is fraught with narcissism.
President Trump’s address tonight was nothing more than a distraction from the real issue: our democracy is at stake due to his divisive actions and belief that he is above the law. He is emboldened by elected officials that condone his behavior through their silence. Protecting our democracy is our elected leaders’ most significant responsibility. Trump and his party have failed to do that. From asking a foreign nation to help him sabotage our election to telling four congresswomen to go back to where they came from, his actions stoke the flames of anti-unity, anti-immigration, and anti-equality.
His brazenness to utter the words, “We must always remember to put America first” when he has placed our nation in the very hands of adversaries that seek to upend our democracy speaks to his duplicitous nature.
As we enter a critical season, we will continue to fight against this President’s attempts to impede our civil rights, dispel the growing threat of environmental issues, and divide our country along racial lines. The culmination of our efforts will aid in the progression of our democracy and change the trajectory of this nation for the better.
Trump managed to get through his address last night without mentioning the fact that he was being impeached. Later today, it is fully expected that he’ll be acquitted on two articles of impeachment by his Republican followers in the Senate – thus allowing him to stay in office for the remainder of his first presidential term.
Update, 5 p.m. February 5, 2020 (see below)
Senator Mitt Romney of Utah was the only Republican to vote to convict and remove Trump from office – believing the president to be guilty on charges of abuse of power.
If you missed the president’s State of the Union address last night, you can see the full address below.
Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter