South Florida man charged with luring 12-year-old girl for sex on Facebook

South Florida man charged with luring 12-year-old girl for sex on Facebook

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South Florida man charged with luring 12-year-old girl for sex on Facebook
Jose Ramirez-Pedro / Image credit: Martin County Sheriff’s Office

On December 7, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office  reported arresting a 21-year old resident of Stuart, Florida, after the man attempted to lure a 12-year old girl for sex on Facebook.  Jose Ramirez-Pedro was arrested on Wednesday and charged with felony transmission of material harmful to a minor, after detectives found a trail of graphic text messages and nude photos of himself that he sent to the child in his attempt to have sex with her.

Officials released word that Pedro hails from Honduras and was being held at the Krome Detention Facility on an unrelated issue when detectives tracked him down for questioning in the case. The child, a student at Murray Middle School in Stuart, informed detectives she had been victimized by Ramirez-Pedro.

After detectives got a search warrant for Ramirez-Jose’s phone because of a related case, they found a Facebook Messenger conversation where Ramirez-Jose encouraged the girl to perform sexual acts with him and send him inappropriate pictures of herself.  ~ TCPalm

Making matters worse, officials say that their investigation revealed that Ramirez-Jose has been communicating with several young girls through various social media sites.

The photo below is Ramirez-Pedro’s Facebook profile image. He communicates online using the name Pedrito Ramirez; but he may utilize other social media venues using different names. Detectives are urging parents to check their children’s social media accounts to see if Ramirez-Pedro has been in contact with your child. If so, review the content.

Following his arrest, Ramirez-Jose was moved to the Martin County jail on $100,000 bail.

Concerned parents or anyone with any information on this case should call the Martin County Sheriff’s Office Special Victim’s Unit at 772-220-7170.

South Florida man charged with luring 12-year-old girl for sex on Facebook

(Source: Martin County Sheriff’s Office)

~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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