Stumped for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Consider adopting a manatee in Mom’s name

If you’re looking for a truly unique Mother’s Day present, consider adopting a Manatee in your mom’s name from the Save the Manatee Club. According to our friends at Save the Manatee, for the environmentally friendly price of $25, the Club will send an adoption certificate, photo, and known history of a real living manatee. Adopt at $35 or more and receive a free handmade collectible manatee ornament (while supplies last).

Choose from 34 real Florida manatees, including manatee moms Annie, Aqua, Phyllis, and Lucille. View them all by visiting the Club’s website at savethemanatee.org/adoptees or click the Adopt-A-Manatee® online now link.
Proceeds are used to help protect manatees and their habitat.

(Image credit: Save the Manatee)
Diana Waldau from California adopted “Lucille” for her mother last year. “My mom loved it!” says Diana. “She had actually been hinting for someone to adopt a manatee for her. When I went on Save the Manatee Club’s website and read about all the Club does for manatees, it was an easy decision to make. When I saw Lucille, I knew this was a perfect Mother’s Day gift.”
Save the Manatee Club, an international nonprofit 501(c) (3) manatee conservation organization, has been the voice for manatees since 1981. The Club was co-founded by renowned singer/songwriter, Jimmy Buffett, and former U.S. Senator, Bob Graham, when he was governor of Florida.
Funds from the adoption program help with the Club’s goals to reduce manatee harassment, injuries and deaths from human activity; to protect ample healthy habitat to support a stable or growing manatee population; and to ensure that sufficient conservation measures have been adopted to protect individual manatees from life threatening injuries.
For more information about manatees and adopting for Mother’s Day, visit Save the Manatee Club’s web site, or call 1-800-432-JOIN (5646).
Also, visit The Manatee Store, the Club’s online shopping center, for more appealing gift ideas at shopsavethemanatee.org.
- Watch manatee webcams and see recent video at ManaTV.org.
- You can also follow the Club on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
- Watch manatee videos on YouTube.
For additional information, contact:
Janice Nearing,
Director of Public Relations
Phone: (407) 539-0990
E-mail: jnearing@savethemanatee.org
(Source: Save the Manatee) / (Cover photo: Moo Shoo, Image credit: Save the Manatee)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram