Supermodel Bar Refaeli and her mom, former model Zipi, both sentenced in prolonged tax evasion case

Supermodel and “X-Factor Israel” Hostess Bar Refaeli, 35, one of the most popular and successful models hailing from Israel, was the highest-paid model in Israel in 2013, according to Forbes. Thanks to her modeling, TV roles, and investment interests, her net worth in 2015 was estimated to be approximately $20 million. Also back in 2015, a criminal case was initiated against Bar Refaeli and her mother, Zipi Refaeli (former model and her daughter’s agent,) who were both accused by their government of tax evasion.
Yesterday, in a Tel Aviv courtroom, the gavel came down on Bar and Zipi when a judge sentenced Bar to nine months community service after being found guilty of tax evasion. Her mom was sentenced to 16 months in the slammer. The two will also have to pay back any back taxes owed plus pay a fine of $1.4 million.

In court, the judge noted she had taken into consideration the pair’s contribution to society, the facts that Bar has three children and Tzipi has a medical condition, and also the pattern that in many cases, tax offenders have no previous criminal record. She ruled: “I have concluded that this is an overall punishment which is reasonable.” ~ MSM
The court case and prolonged battle waged against the supermodel revolved around a residence she owned back in the days when she was dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio and also when she was jet setting around the globe for her modeling career. That was also the time frame that she graced the cover of the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Bar Refaeli Slideshow – Image credits: Facebook
Instead of paying her taxes, Refaeli claimed that she hadn’t spent the majority of the calendar years living at her Israeli residence from 2009 through 2012 and therefore shouldn’t have to declare any income during those jet setting years. The Israeli courts felt differently, according to Fox News.
Refaeli’s mother was charged with failure to report income, avoiding paying taxes and aiding someone else in evading tax payments. The indictment said she signed leases for her daughter under the names of other family members to blur Refaeli’s actual residency status, and held back from declaring her own income as her daughter’s agent. ~ Sky News
Bar’s first day of community service commences on September 21, which coincidentally is the same day her mom begins her prison sentence.
For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter