Tennessee men busted raping 9-month-old baby girl on cell phone video

Tennessee men busted raping 9-month-old baby girl on cell phone video

Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Public Health and Safety, Rape, Sex Crimes, Top News
Tennessee men busted raping 9-month-old baby girl on cell phone video
Image credit: Isiah Dequan Hayes and Daireus Jumare Ice / Shelby County Sheriff’s Office

On October 10, the Shelby County District Attorney General’s Office in Tennessee released a statement saying that two men from that state were indicted “on rape and sexual exploitation charges after a mother found cell phone video of the men abusing her 9-month-old daughter.”  The two defendants, Isiah Dequan Hayes, 19, and Daireus Jumare Ice, 22, are being held at the Shelby County Jail.

Hayes was indicted on aggravated rape of a child, while Ice was indicted on aggravated rape of a child (criminal responsibility for conduct of another.) Both were indicted on especially aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor.

According to investigators, the mom notified authorities on October 14, 2016, after she found video on a cell phone showing a male acquaintance performing sex acts on her baby daughter.

Investigators identified Hayes in the video and confirmed that Ice was the person taking the video. The New York Post reported that the mother was able to identify Hayes through Facebook and turned the information over to the authorities.

Police managed to take Hayes into custody back in February after he was identified as the child rapist on the video.  Hayes has since confessed to the atrocities depicted on that video.


~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter


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