‘The Boys’ actress Erin Moriarty, aka Starlight, calls out online misogynistic trolls

“The Boys” is a TV series that has three successful seasons thus far on the Prime Video streaming service. The show is set in a fictional world where superpowered individuals are employed by a private corporation to keep the world safe. These “Supes” are direct rip off versions of classic DC heroes like Superman and Aquaman – except that for the most part, they’re evil, arrogant, corrupt and even murderous.
A group of humans without superpowers have set themselves up to take down the Supes and the private company, Vought International, that sponsors them.
Actress Erin Moriary portrays the superpowered character Annie “Starlight” January. Starlight was one of the newest members of the Seven supes, but eventually quit the group and joined with the non-powered vigilantes to stand against the Seven and Vought International.

Erin Moriarty Bio
And although Moriarty and her TV character are loved and appreciated by many real-world fans – there are just as many that are openly critical against the Starlight character and her physical appearance and attributes. Moriarty has been being trolled online by those that are actively and voraciously criticizing her physical appearance on the show. The actress has since taken to social media to say that she feels “dehumanized, silenced, and paralyzed.”
… Moriarty — who plays Annie January aka Starlight on the Prime Video series — posted excerpts of a recent Boys fan essay on Instagram. The essay, titled “#IStandWithStarlight?: The betrayal of Erin Moriarty by The Boys ‘fans,’” calls out the “overwhelming malice and misogyny” directed at Moriarty during the show’s recent third season, particularly the “unsolicited commentary on her appearance.” ~ Yahoo! News
Instagram user butcherscanary posted the following

Moriarty took to her own Instagram account to reply:
erinelairmoriarty / Verified / 116,692 likes

I do feel silenced. I do feel dehumanized. I do feel paralyzed. I’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into this role (over & over & over again), I’ve grown UP in this character’s shoes (*emphasis on grown up – we change & evolve mentally AND physically). So with that I say: a) thank you to @butcherscanary b) this does break my heart – I’ve opened up a vein for this role and this kind of trolling is exactly what this role (Annie) would speak out against and c) everyone’s going through their own battle(s); let’s not add to that. I will never intentionally (and ESPECIALLY) publicly add to yours. This has only strengthened my empathy muscle and to anyone who comes at me: I see you, I I don’t hate you, I only empathize and forgive.
The Wrap quoted Moriarty’s “The Boys” co-star Jack Quaid who also went on social media to garner his support: “Love you Erin,” Quaid said. “We’re all here for you. You’re such an incredible, talented force of nature and I consider myself incredibly lucky to know you. Keep shining bright. Leave the trolls to us. We got your back.”
And most of us echo Quaid’s sentiments.
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter