Tow truck driver shot, killed in Cheverly; Police release fatal road rage video hoping to catch shooter

On November 14, as the investigation continues into a fatal road rage incident that claimed the life of a tow truck driver in Prince George’s County, police have released video footage of the shooting and have asked that anyone with relevant information to contact the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit.
On Saturday, March 19, 2022, Delonte Hicks, a 29-year-old tow truck driver from Washington, D.C. was shot while traveling on eastbound Route 50 at Veterans Parkway in Prince George’s County. At approximately 5:45 p.m. police believe Hicks was exchanging words with the driver of a black passenger car (pictured above) when the driver of that car pulled out a weapon and fired into the vehicle, striking Hicks. The gunman continued eastbound on Route 50.
Investigators have released video footage from a camera located inside the tow truck. Maryland State Police homicide detectives continue the investigation and urge anyone with information relevant to this incident to call or text 410-929-0802. All callers may remain confidential.
Police urge motorists who feel they are engaged in a road rage incident to drive to a public place or the nearest police station. If possible, report aggressive driving incidents and any vehicle or suspect description to police.
Police urge motorists to avoid dangerous behaviors on the road and avoid the following:
- unnecessary use of high beam headlights
- unnecessary use of horn
- using hand gestures at other drivers
- tailgating and following to close
Police urge motorists to practice courtesy towards other motorists:
- use turn signals well in advance of changing lanes or turning
- avoid distracted driving and erratic driving
- drive the speed limit
- provide safe stopping distance by driving 2-seconds behind the car in front of you
- stay attentive and drive defensive
If another driver is exhibiting dangerous and aggressive behaviors, create a safe distance between their vehicle and yours. Do not engage in an exchange with the other driver. Continue driving and call police if the situation escalates before you can get to a police station.
The staff of Ace News Today would also like to remind drivers that the left lane on a multi-lane, divided highway is for passing only, and that slower vehicles should never take up residence in the left lane. If you are driving in the left lane and a vehicle approaches you from behind, move over and allow that vehicle to pass.
Check out the video below to see the tow truck’s dash cam video of that fatal road rage shooting.
(Source: MSP)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter