Traffic stop leads to drug, gun, and confiscated drug money arrests in Palm Beach County
(Pictured, Evon Barrett and Ed’Tanyshia Hamilton, Image credit: Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office)
On January 29, the Palm Beach Sherrif’s Office (PBSO) reported on a significant arrest involving drugs, guns and the confiscation of drug money. Law enforcement agents say they were attempting to stop a vehicle due to a traffic infraction when the driver unexpectedly rammed the agent’s vehicle with theirs – and then quickly fled the scene of the crash.
A short time later, the suspect was located and arrested without incident. Making things more interesting, agents served a search warrant on that vehicle that resulted in locating and seizing the following drugs, guns and currency:
- Three individually wrapped kilograms of Cocaine and numerous cookies of cocaine weighting 8.2 pounds
- 45 vacuumed sealed bags of Marijuana weighing 16.3 pounds
- Oxycodone packaged for sale, 6 digital scales, drug cooking paraphernalia
- $14,021.00 U.S. currency
- Glock 19 9mm semi auto pistol (SN:BB9P890)
- Glock 43 9mm semi auto pistol (SN:AHZU778)
- Glock 48 9mm semi auto pistol (SN:BKNM641)
- Glock 29 10mm semi auto pistol (SN: BTST967)
The Sheriff’s Office said that Evon Barrett and Ed’Tanyshia Hamilton were “busted for Drugs, Guns and Currency.”

(Source and images: Palm Beach Sherrif’s Office)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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