Traffic stop leads to drug, gun, and confiscated drug money arrests in Palm Beach County

Traffic stop leads to drug, gun, and confiscated drug money arrests in Palm Beach County

Caught on Camera, Crime & Courts, Drugs, Guns, Local, Money, Mugshots, Top News

(Pictured, Evon Barrett and Ed’Tanyshia Hamilton, Image credit: Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office)

On January 29, the Palm Beach Sherrif’s Office (PBSO) reported on a significant arrest involving drugs, guns and the confiscation of drug money.  Law enforcement agents say they were attempting to stop a vehicle due to a traffic infraction when the driver unexpectedly rammed the agent’s vehicle with theirs – and then quickly fled the scene of the crash.

A short time later, the suspect was located and arrested without incident. Making things more interesting, agents served a search warrant on that vehicle that resulted in locating and seizing the following drugs, guns and currency:

  • Three individually wrapped kilograms of Cocaine and numerous cookies of cocaine weighting 8.2 pounds
  • 45 vacuumed sealed bags of Marijuana weighing 16.3 pounds
  • Oxycodone packaged for sale, 6 digital scales, drug cooking paraphernalia
  • $14,021.00 U.S. currency
  • Glock 19 9mm semi auto pistol (SN:BB9P890)
  • Glock 43 9mm semi auto pistol (SN:AHZU778)
  • Glock 48 9mm semi auto pistol (SN:BKNM641)
  • Glock 29 10mm semi auto pistol (SN: BTST967)

The Sheriff’s Office said that Evon Barrett and Ed’Tanyshia Hamilton were “busted for Drugs, Guns and Currency.”

Ace News Today - Traffic stop leads to drug, gun, and confiscated drug money arrests in Palm Beach County

(Source and images:  Palm Beach Sherrif’s Office)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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