Two Florida men sentenced to 1,600 and 111 year jail sentences for child porn possession
Two Florida men possessing child sexual abuse and child pornography images on their home devices have been sentenced to a combined total of 1,700 in prison for their offenses. In one of those two cases, Florida’s Martin County Sheriff’s Office detectives said that “It was one of the worst cases of child porn possession our detectives have ever investigated.”
That first “worst case” involved a man from Stuart, Florida, who was arrested with images of infants and newborns being sexually abused depicted on his home electronic devices. Those despicable images were possessed by and traded on-line by 29-year-old Mathew Rogers. Recently, Rogers learned his fate after a judge sentenced him to 1,600 years behind bars for those offenses.
Rogers will serve 10-years for each of the 160-felony counts for which he was charged. Rogers was unemployed at the time of his arrest, according to The Martin County Sheriff’s Office.
In a separate case of possession of child pornography, 33-year-old Jonathan Dibble was sentenced to 111 years for his crimes. Dibble was a janitor at Jensen Beach High School at the time of his arrest, according to CBS 12 News.
Detectives served a search warrant on his home and found the disturbing images on most of his devices. Detectives determined that none of those images were produced locally and likely were part of a national and international child pornography network.
Rogers was initially arrested back in 2021 while Dibble was taken into custody early last year, according to Fox 35 in Orlando.
(Source andMathew Rogers and Jonathan Dibblemugshots, Martin County Sheriff’s Office)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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