Ukrainian six-year-old girl killed in Russian bombing: Doctor says ‘Show This to Putin’

Ukrainian six-year-old girl killed in Russian bombing: Doctor says ‘Show this to Putin’

Assault, Caught on Camera, Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Events, Government, Guns, Human Interest, International, Military, Rest in Peace, Top News, Video, Violent Crimes, Weapons

(Cover photo:  Russian Shelling of Ukraine, Image credit: Twitter) 

In the years following America’s bloody Civil War, Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, addressing a group of cadets, uttered the immortal phrase, “War is Hell.”  But never are those words more true than when the lives of innocent children are lost in the conflicts between different waring factions.  We’ve already heard about several children dying during Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine – but today the headlines are filled with the latest young casualty – a six-year-old girl killed by indiscriminate artillery coming from the country’s eastern neighbor.

On Sunday, the fourth day of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a young girl and her family were at a supermarket purchasing provisions when random Russian shelling began striking Ukraine’s port city of Mariupol. An ambulance raced the severely injured child to a nearby hospital.

“Take her out! Take her out! We can make it!” a hospital worker shouted.

They placed her onto a gurney and wheeled her inside, where doctors and nurses fought to revive her.

But she could not be saved.  ~ CNN

Warning – CNN posted a gallery of heartbreaking hospital images containing graphic content of the child, also showing the mother weeping outside the ambulance, the father standing alongside his lifeless daughter and covered in blood, and the heroic hospital staff trying desperately to save the young life.

She was pale. Her brown hair was pulled back with a rubber band. Her bloody pajama pants were decorated with cartoon unicorns. She was brought in with her wounded father, his head bloodied and bandaged. ~ WFLA

One of the doctors on the scene that was feverishly tending to the child, looked straight at the camera of an Associated Press video-journalist who had been allowed inside.

“Show this to Putin,” he said angrily. “The eyes of this child, and crying doctors.”

The doctor, in an action reminiscent of an untold number of Hollywood movies, reached down and gently closed the lifeless eyes of the unidentified Ukrainian victim.  But this is real life, and real little eyes that needed closing. 

“Show this to Putin”

Also see:  Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively will match donations made to support Ukraine, up to $1M

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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