Vero Beach High School student, an 18-year-old gang member who brought loaded gun to school has been arrested, charged

On the evening of March 10, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office (IRCSO) shared word that on Friday morning, the School Resource Deputies (SRDs) assigned to the Vero Beach High School received a tip that a female student brought a firearm to school. After receiving that tip, the student was immediately investigated and questioned by School Resource Deputies and school officials.
The SRDs and school officials located a loaded small caliber handgun in the student’s front pants’ pocket. According to the Sheriff’s Office, the student made no verbal threats to other students or any of the school’s staff. There was no disruption to the campus’s normal operation.
The student was identified as 18-year-old Ha Lecia Mckenzie. McKenzie is reportedly a documented gang member and juvenile delinquent. ABC-25 News reported the school district as saying that Mckenzie will not return as a student to the high school.
She was placed into custody and initially charged with “Possession of Weapon on School Property,” with more charges pending. F.S.S 790.115.2A is the Florida statute which prohibits possessing weapons or firearms on school property, according to the Florida Senate.
Yesterday, IRCSO Eric Flowers said, “I’m proud of our School Resource Team who work hard every day to keep our students, teachers, and faculty safe. I am thankful to the students and teachers who report suspicious behavior to our deputies. We take each tip seriously and will continue to have ongoing communication with the school district.”
According to online records provided by the Sheriff’s Office, Mckenzie is a Vero Beach resident and is currently being held without bond.
The Sheriff’s Office offered up the reminder that “if you see or hear something suspicious report the concern to school officials, or law enforcement or use the FortifyFL app.”
FortifyFL was created and funded by the 2018 Florida Legislature as part of the “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.” The application was named by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The Office of Attorney General, Department of Education and Florida Department of Law Enforcement coordinated its development and roll-out.
For more on the Vero Beach High School student who was busted yesterday for bringing a loaded gun to school, see the video accompanying this article.
(Source and Ha Lecia Mckenzie booking photo: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook. Twitter & Instagram