Video shows arsonist tossing Molotov cocktail at Fort Pierce home as stunned neighbor watches

Video shows arsonist tossing Molotov cocktail at Fort Pierce home as stunned neighbor watches

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Ace News Today - Video shows arsonist tossing Molotov cocktail at Fort Pierce home as stunned neighbor watches

(1200 Block Avenue L, Fort Pierce, Image credit: Google Maps)

Police in Fort Pierce, Florida, reported about a disturbing arson that took place in the 1200 Block of Avenue L that started when an unknown assailant threw two Molotov cocktails at a residence in that block.  Police officers responded to that fire on Sunday at 11:40 a.m.

Once on the scene, officers learned that one male suspect ran up to the home and threw a Molotov cocktail at the front window, causing an explosion. The suspect then ran to the side of the house and threw another bottle over the roof. Shortly after, the male fled from the scene, heading eastbound on Avenue L.  Police are saying that this was an isolated incident.

In the video posted on the police department’s Facebook page, you can see the man running up to the house and tossing the lit Molotov cocktail at the front window.  Viewers can see the resulting explosion and fire, the large flames erupting from the home, and the man running off.  Obviously, police want to identify and catch this guy.

Fort Pierce Police Department –

Juanita Anderson, a relative of the homeowner who was across the street when the attack went down, told WPTV that there were three people inside the house when the unknown male tossed that Molotov cocktail at the house.

“I heard my cousin screaming that someone was throwing a bomb through her house,” Anderson said.  She said her cousin and the two others who were at the home are doing fine. 

“I don’t know why would that happen or why that did happen,” Anderson said. “I hope they don’t come back.”

Police are asking that if you have any information regarding this incident, please contact Detective Kevin Mohamed at (772) 467-6905, email:, or call Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-800-273-8477. You can remain anonymous.

(Source: Fort Pierce Police Department)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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