Vincent Scavetta arrested: Walmart shopper who pulled gun over face mask charged

COVID-19 mask mandates, and the controversy surrounding being forced to wear a protective face covering indoors and when in public, is just one of the “new normal” phenomena that appears to be dividing citizens in our nation – with sometimes violent repercussions.
The most recent mask incident to hit the news dates back to July 12, when Vincent Scavetta, 28, of Lake Worth Beach, Florida, was sauntering through a Palm Beach County Walmart without wearing a face mask, even though there was a mask requirement for that county which went into effect on June 25. An argument ensued between Scavetta and another Walmart shopper, Chris Estrada, who told Scavetta that he needed to be wearing a mask because of the ongoing pandemic. One thing led to another until things got totally out hand with Scavetta pulling out a handgun and pointing same at Estrada – who was accompanied by his 10-year-old daughter.
Scavetta, who has a concealed weapons permit, told investigators he pulled his .40-caliber handgun because he feared for his life. He said he holstered his gun and he and his father left the store.
He told detectives he felt bad that he had scared Estrada’s daughter by pulling the gun on her father. ~ CBS News
The entire incident between Scavetta and Estrada was captured on store surveillance video, according to MSN. The story went viral after law enforcement officials shared surveillance images of Scavetta and sought the public’s assistance in identifying him.
Scavetta turned himself into authorities this week and was charged with two felonies: aggravated assault with a firearm and improper exhibition of a firearm. At a bail hearing yesterday, he had his bail set at $15,000. The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office posted the following to their Facebook page:
Three days after the incident, Walmart announced it would require all shoppers and employees to wear masks.
Palm Beach County is one of several pandemic epicenters in the State of Florida. As of yesterday, deaths increased by a state-high 17 to 744, a total that is the second highest in the state, after 18 Thursday and a record 21 one week ago Friday, according to WPTV.
Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain,” many U.S. citizens still refuse to wear them.
… and for months President Donald Trump and his political allies did not encourage their use. Trump appeared to change direction earlier this week, however. ~ International Business Times
For more on what went down between Scavetta and Estrada in Walmart, see the video accompanying this article.
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter